Carenly Curated: Christina Sorace Mackinnon

Image: Photo of a painting in progress by Christina Sorace MacKinnon, used with permission

Welcome to Carenly Curated! A mini series within my Thoughts from the Studio blog that will highlight other amazing artists! As a firm believer in community over competition & artists supporting artists, what better way that to demonstrate that then b  spotlighting fellow artists whose work I love!

"Unpackage Yourself" by Christina Sorace MacKinnon, used with permission

So for this artist spotlight, I would like to introduce you to the work of Christina Sorace MacKinnon. Hailing from New Jersey, USA, Christina creates abstract mixed media paintings. 

"This Is What It Means To Be Human" by Christina Sorace MacKinnon

There is something that is so playful and carefree about these works, that combined with her use of color is what draws me to the paintings the most. Adding expressive layers of line-work and swooshes of color, the paintings drawn me in as if each image is its own little imaginary world I want to explore, and the longer you look at them, the more little intricacies you see.

"The Past Is Not For Living In" by Christina Sorace MacKinnon, used with permission

Photo by Christina Sorace MacKinnon, used with permission

You can dive in and check out more examples of Christina's work on Instagram @christinaraemac or at her website.

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